Excellent Alkali Herbal Teas and Alkali Food in Columbus, Ga.

Excellent Alkali Herbal Teas and Alkali Food in Columbus, Ga.

Rev 22:2 The herbs are for the healing of the nations. What herbs? Native herbs. Which are natural plants, natural vegetation. Organically made by nature, by God. Meaning they came with the planet. Why natural herbs? They Alkali , They are Electric. Meaning they’re alive. They like the human body is composed of 102 minerals. 

Our ready to drink. 

(DMI) Daily Mineral Intake, 

Herbalyte Teas are made only from natural plants. 

Natural plants contain essential minerals / Electrolytes such as calcium, magnesium, copper, carbon, zinc, chromium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine and iron. 

These minerals play vital roles in the human body. For instance, Iron makes hemoglobin. That makes healthy red blood cells, that carry oxygen from the lungs to all the cells in body. 

Minerals / electrolytes and energy is lose in the human body from improper food intake and with the use of energy. 

Working , exercising, physical activities, etc. 

After a football or basketball game we’re drained. 

How do we refuel? With electrolytes. 

Electrolytes / minerals are the real food for the human body. Food is electric. 

Our (DMI) Daily Mineral Intake 

Herbalyte Teas will aid the body in cleansing, detoxifying, refueling and rejuvenating. Providing energy and overall health benefits. 

Transform the natural way with our DMI (Daily Mineral Intake) herbalytes teas. 

Inspired by the late, great, and still most relevant our brother, Dr. Sebi. 

World renowned healer / The messenger of Healing. 

You raised the bar and set the standards and with those standards we afforded our (DMI) Daily Mineral Intake Herbalyte Teas. 

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